Information for shareholders

Find details of who to contact if you have queries regarding your shareholding and get instructions on how to manage your share account online.

Contact us

Individual shareholders

Private investors with questions about their shareholding (for example transfers of shares, changes of names or address, lost share certificates or dividend cheques) should contact our Hong Kong registrar (details below). Only shareholders who are resident in the Hong Kong SAR can hold shares on the Hong Kong register.

Hong Kong Overseas Branch Register
Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited, Rooms 1712-1716,
17th Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East,
Hong Kong SAR

Telephone: +852 2862 8555

Visit the investor contacts page on our global corporate website to find contact details for the London Principal Company Register and the Bermuda Overseas Branch Register.

Hong Kong Investor Relations team

Institutional shareholders who have enquiries or need information relating to HSBC’s strategy and financial and business performance can contact our Investor Relations team in Hong Kong.


Yafei Tian
Head of Investor Relations ASP

Laurence Chan
Senior Investor Relations Manager

Tenny Chau
Investor Relations Manager

Managing your shareholding online

Shareholders can access their account online via the Computershare website. Using this service, which is provided by HSBC’s registrars, will allow you to see your shareholding and dividend payments, amend your personal details, receive email updates and request for dividends to be paid directly into your bank account. Please see the details below for information on how to sign up.

Please note that neither HSBC or Computershare will call you directly regarding your shareholding account or personal details. If in doubt, contact Computershare.

To sign up or log in to the Computershare website, please select the link

To register, you will need your Shareholder Reference Number, which can be found on your share certificates, dividend tax vouchers, and other shareholder communications. 

If your shares are registered in a different location, visit our global corporate website for information on how to manage your shareholding.

Corporate communications

Shareholders will be informed when corporate communications and actionable corporate communications (“Corporate Communications”) are available by electronic means if they have registered their email addresses. The Corporate Communications are also available on our reporting page and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange website (at The documents we make available electronically include the Annual Report and Accounts; Strategic Report; Interim Report; notices of shareholders’ meetings; and circulars.

Shareholders can sign up to receive Corporate Communications from HSBC by email on the Computershare website. Please register with Computershare as explained above and sign up for electronic communications.

Once you have signed up for electronic communication, we will send you an email each time a new document is made available. Email addresses will not be used for any purpose other than communicating with you as a shareholder.

Receiving Corporate Communications by email is more environmentally friendly and cost-effective than sending printed copies in the post.

You may revoke your registration or request a printed copy of any Corporate Communication from Computershare, at any time. Please contact Computershare (details above). Please note that such printed copy instruction shall be valid for one year starting from the receipt date of your instruction, or until the instructions have been revoked or superseded, whichever is earlier.

Please note that in certain circumstances we may be unable to send documents by email, for example, due to local laws that may restrict this. In such cases, we reserve the right to send printed copies of the relevant document or information.

If Computershare do not receive your electronic submission, you are deemed to have consent to receive the website version of all Corporate Communications, and a notification of the publication of the Corporate Communications on our website will be sent to you. If you have not supplied a functional email address or registered to be sent hard copies, or you are deemed to have consent to receive the website version, we will notify you by post when Corporate Communications become available on the website.

Payment of dividend

The default currency on the Hong Kong register is Hong Kong dollars and can also be paid in US dollars or pounds sterling, or a combination of these currencies. Shareholders can change their dividend election by completing the form below and sending to Computershare (Chinese version is for reference only, please only complete the English version).

Hong Kong Dividend Form (PDF 217KB)

Computershare can arrange for direct credit of Hong Kong dollar cash dividends into your bank account. They can also arrange to send US dollar or pound sterling cheques to the credit of your bank account. Please register for these services and provide your bank details at

Annual Report

Our Annual Report and Accounts and related documents are available to download on our global corporate website.

Shareholders who wish to receive a paper copy should contact HSBC’s Registrars using the contact details above.

Investor FAQs

Found out more about the answers to commonly asked questions on shareholding, financial reporting, dividends and taxation on our global corporate website.

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Find the answers to frequently asked questions about investing in HSBC.

Manage your shareholding Opens in new window

Visit our global corporate website for further information on how to manage your shareholding.